English language arts

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 3 Lesson
This lesson includes:
A full analysis of key quotations
Starter activity and challenge / extension tasks
Links to context and themes
Reference to effect on the Jacobean audience
Several tasks for students to complete
Well organised and visually appealing, this 25 slide Power Point is perfect to accompany an initial class reading of Act 1 Scene 3, or alternatively can be used as a revision lesson for students who are familiar with the play as a whole

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 2 Lesson
This lesson includes:
A full analysis of key quotations
Starter activity and challenge / extension tasks
Links to context and themes
Reference to effect on the Jacobean audience
Several tasks for students to complete
Well organised and visually appealing, this 12 slide Power Point is perfect to accompany an initial class reading of Act 1 Scene 2, or alternatively can be used as a revision lesson for students who are familiar with the play as a whole.

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 1 Lesson
This lesson includes:
A full analysis of key quotations
Links to context and themes
Reference to effect on the Jacobean audience
Several tasks for students to complete
Well organised and visually appealing, this 10 slide Power Point is perfect to accompany an initial class reading of Act 1 Scene 1, or alternatively can be used as a revision lesson for students who are familiar with the play as a whole.

Language Devices Worksheets
A set of six worksheets covering:
Rhetorical Questions
Perfect for intervention groups, home learning, prep work, homework, EAL / SEN / lower ability differentiation and more.

Macbeth Revision Lesson
A well oranised and visually appealing revision lesson. This 25 slide Power Point aims to help students revise plot, character, themes, symbolism and context with a range of revision tasks and informational slides. Challenge tasks are also included!
This Power Point can be used over several lessons and is great for all abilities.

Macbeth Worksheets
A set of 28 worksheets corresponding to each Act and Scene in Macbeth. These worksheets contain a variety of tasks covering:
Key quotation analysis
Character analysis
Language and Structure
And more!
Perfect for class work, SEND/ EAL differentiation, intervention groups, prep work, home learning, extension / challenge tasks etc
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Macbeth Revision Booklet
Fantastic value! This 38 revision booklet is perfect for those studying Macbeth (GCSE AQA Literature Paper 1 Section A) and includes:
Plot Summary
Key Themes
Key Character Sheets (including a character summary, relevant historical contact, useful adjectives, key quotations and revision questions)
Theme table
Three-page colour-coded quotation grid
30 question quotation quiz
Four character profile tables for students to complete
Nine revision worksheets
Full explanation of all AOs including criteria for each level (1-6)
Glossary of key terms
Four exam-style questions including indicative content
and so much more!
This booklet is well oranised and contains a huge range of resources and revision material.

Creative Writing Prompt Cards
Over 100 creative writing prompt cards designed to inspire students in their creative writing.
These cards cover a huge variety of themes, genres and topics to engage and interest students. Each card includes a writing checklist for students to use to ensure that their work contains some of the key aspects of creative writing.
These cards can be used for a SEND/EAL/Lower ability differentiation, as a whole class resource or as part of a home learning / prep task. Cards can also be printed off and laminated to act as a classroom resource.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Booklet
A fun and engaging space-themed booklet - designed to help students practice their key spelling, grammar and punctuation skills. This 30 page booklet contains activities and tasks covering:
word classes
prefixes / suffixes
verb tenses
capital letters
speech marks
high frequency words
end/ beginning sounds
synonyms/ antonyms
and more!
This document can be used as a booklet or printed off as individual worksheets. Perfect for whole class use, SEND/EAL/Lower ability interventions, homework, home learning and more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

The Sign of Four Chapter 3 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This three page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

The Sign of Four Chapter 2 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This 3 page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

The Sign of Four Chapter 1 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This four page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Animal Farm Fully Annotated
Fantastic value!
This 43 page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Animal Farm Chapter 10 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This five page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Animal Farm Chapter 9 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This five page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Animal Farm Chapter 8 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This six page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Animal Farm Chapter 7 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This five page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Animal Farm Chapter 6 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This four page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Animal Farm Chapter 5 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This four page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.

Animal Farm Chapter 4 Fully Annotated
Fantastic value! This three page document contains detailed and useful annotations covering:
Language devices
and more!
Well organised and easy to use, this resource can be used as a revision tool, for SEN / EAL differentiation, home learning, prep, reluctant writers, class work and much more.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.